How to get a constant flow of new clients through your doors

Salon customers come and go like waves on the sea. But to stay afloat and on calm waters, a captain must keep one eye on the ever-changing conditions and know when to shift course to avoid disaster.
People move away, pass away, get a better offer elsewhere, get a new recommendation, are not excited by you or your customer experience, or your service doesn’t meet their expectations. Non-returning customers are inevitable, but when your business is losing more clients than it’s gaining, drastic changes need to be made to avoid being left high and dry.
20 is plenty
In order for your business to sustain growth and scale up, you need to be bringing in 20% new clients every week, every month and every year. Failure to hit this target can mean choppy waters ahead. Put simply, you can’t rely on your current customer base forever as one day they won’t be there. You can purchase and download our recommended sales chart for only £99. The KRA Sales Chart is A0 in size (customisable with your logo and big enough to fit all your important number goals on). We recommend you print and gloss laminate the sales chart so it can be reused time after time using a dry marker pen. Keep it somewhere your team can see it daily to keep everyone on track with the business targets and see your results grow. View a sample of the KRA chart Call us Today and order your KRA Sales chart
Knowing your numbers, reviewing your numbers and acting on your numbers will help you see what works at bringing people in and where you need to make improvements. Keep score to do more!
But it’s not all about bringing in anyone and everyone just to get them through the door. You need to be attracting the right customers for your business. Bringing in the right people will mean they stay for longer, spread the good word about you and bring their friends along next time. Bringing in the wrong people will mean not seeing them through the doors again at best, and them actively damaging your reputation at worst.
Sticking to your business values in everything you do is a sure fire way of attracting customers that align with those values and therefore are more likely to stick with you.
Get them through the door
Knowing your numbers is the absolute best place to start with looking at how to get more footfall in your salon, but it’s not the only ship in your fleet. Here’s my top 12 tips to getting a constant flow of new clients through the doors:
- Build your social media presence and following. It is the best way to prove your authority on all things hair in this day and age. A big following means you must be doing something right. Just remember that consistency is key when it comes to social (See our BLOG about consistency HERE)
- Show that you are top of the class and build a reputation for caring about your staff and keeping up-to-date with the latest salon techniques by having an on going education and learning program for your team. Highlight the best bits of the days on your social media channels being sure to target the right info for the right site for the biggest impact. For example, the education run-down should go on LinkedIn, any fun and glossy images from the day are for Instagram, the funniest quotes from the day are for Twitter and an overall round-up with images of the day are best for Facebook.
- Be loud and proud! Don’t be afraid to try new things, stand out, be different and do the opposite to what you think you should do. Dove stopped using supermodels in its face cream ads turning to real women and men instead. Within eight weeks, sales had skyrocketed by 600%!
- Tell your story your way. Let go of the professional business voice, instead show the human side to you and your team. Let your clients know about your values and mission statements and the purpose and why of what you are doing.
- Make client and staff safety your number one objective and install the confidence needed during this time of COVID and beyond. Have health and safety COVID secure guidelines to show customers and potential new clients what measures you have in place with information on your website and posters in and around the salon.
- Share your own educational content by doing blogs or videos demonstrating styles and techniques they can do at home to prove your ‘expertise’ in the field.
- It’s all in your website. If you don’t have a slick and attractive mobile-friendly website with marketing and search engine optimisation features (SEO – this is what puts you at the top of search engine results), potential customers will take one look and decide you are not the salon for them. A beautiful website that is simple to use will fill your potential new client with confidence and make them much more likely to book with you. Be sure to have a new client offer in which the client must leave their contact and email address to access the offer in return for adding their details to a customer relationship management (CRM) funnel for future marketing. (See our BLOG about websites HERE)
- Learn how to use the remarketing features with Facebook pixels or Google Analytics. They let your adverts follow the visitor around Facebook or Google with targeted adverts. The more times they see your brand the better chance to convert them into paying customers. (See our BLOG about Facebook & Google HERE)
- Make it as easy as it can be for new customers to communicate with you. Make sure there is always someone to answer the ringing phone, answer email enquiries and add Messenger Chat onto your website so conversations can happen in real time. (See our BLOG about Messenger HERE)
- Regularly bring in new client offers that will turn heads and encourage clients away from their current hairdresser to your salon and keep existing clients with you.
- Optimise your digital footprint with a Google My Business page, update it regularly and make sure you reply to every review. Use Google Ads to send potentially interested clients to your website and be on the first page above all your competitors. (See our BLOG about Google HERE)
- Get as many five star reviews – everywhere – as possible. Look and see how many your competitors have and always aim to have more. Make it into a competition, every month you can run a prize competition for those that give a five star review. The more places they review your business, is another entry. (See our BLOG about Google Reviews HERE)
Implementing keeping score and the above 12 tips will see you sailing off into the sun with a constant flow of new clients through your doors and that vital 20% increase.
If you are after a little extra help when it comes to bringing more clients into your salon, get in touch today, we are here to help! (Get in Touch TODAY)

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We help hair & beauty salon businesses become more successful by implementing the right marketing and business systems that communicate effectively, to the right target audience. Our aim is to attract more customers to your salon, providing extra sales and INCREASED PROFIT to the salon owner.
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Happy Bizness,